So now that you know what happened…here are some pics incase you missed any of it.
Steve’s Birthday: Steve turned 29 this year. We celebrated by going downtown with friends to Maggie Mae’s. It was the same night as the Texas vs Oklahoma St. game, so Austin was crazy! Luckily the Horns won so everyone was in good spirits. Lot’s of people showed up, and we had a great time ….even though we were escorted out by the police at the end of the night….never a dull moment with the MF crowd! ;-)

Ethan’s Baptism: It turned out to be a beautiful Sunday day. The whole family made it. Ethan was on his best behavior. It was such a special moment. We love you Ethan!
Halloween: We moved into our new house on Halloween day last year, so there was no time for trick-or-treating; but we made up for it this Halloween. Gracie had a full week of fun. On Tuesday, Steve took her up to his office for their Halloween party. She wore her outfit the whole time and everyone loved her. She really made her daddy proud! And today, they partied at daycare, and then we went trick-or-treating all around the neighborhood tonight. It was so much fun. She walked all by herself to every house carrying her candy basket. She even knocked on a few doors as well. Unfortunately, we did learn that she is not afraid of strangers since she tried to go inside several people’s houses; as well as wanted a hug from our neighbor that she has only met once! But at least she had fun!
Well, that is about it. Even though it has been busy, it has been a great month. Let’s hope November turns out to be just as good!