We had a wonderful Christmas this year. We started out in Austin at Adrienne and Bryan’s house for Christmas eve and day. Everyone came over and stayed the night. The grandparents as usual bought way to many gifts for everyone. Ethan and Gracie could not keep up with all the presents they had to open, but they had such a great time. All the guys played several games of pool which resulted in Steve losing all of his money. Thanks Dad & Bryan!!

Then we packed up and headed to see Steve’s family in Henderson. We spent several days there and got to see Steve’s brother Scott & his fiancĂ© Jennifer, plus Aunt Kristy, Uncle Kelly, and Carter. We opened more presents, ate even more food, and had several more good days of the holiday break. Gracie got some more dolls and a doll stroller and pack-n-play. She really loved it for new babies and HERSELF!

Christmas this year was wonderful.
Christmas by the Lake:
We took Gracie to see the Christmas lights in Marble Falls this year. We set off on a Friday after work, and met Mom, Mormor, and Dad at the good ‘ole Blue Bonnet Cafe for dinner and pie. After dinner, we loaded up and went down to the park to walk through the lights. Gail and her daughter met us there too. The lights were just a beautiful as I remembered; and I think Gracie had a good time too.

We headed down to Henderson this year for Thanksgiving as we always try to alternate holidays with each family. The time there was lots of fun. Gracie loves to go see her Papa & Granny and all the goats!
Gracie & Carter spending some time together coloring. Looks like Gracie is bossing him around about something...