No, we didn’t have another child….well not a human one; we got a new DOG. And by we, I mean Steve. Steve has wanted a big dog for many years now. At first I was able to get out of it when we lived in an apartment. Then we had Gracie so I used her as an excuse saying we didn’t need anything else to take care of and plus we didn’t want a big dog to run her over or lay on her (you know, the normal things parents worry about). But now that she is older and we have a big back yard I had no excuses left.
Steve searched for months until he found just the one he wanted. He settled on Jake, a 7 month old American Mastiff/Anatolian mix. Although we have gone through a few frustrating adjustments to having a BIG dog, he really is the sweetest dog. Very good on a leash, loves Gracie and Scooter, and super friendly. Here are some pics of Jake and Scooter. I promise Scooter is very happy even though the picture does not show that. ;-)